When you decided to take the leap and become an entrepreneur,the first thing you learn is you have to wear multiple hats to increase your chances of your project/business succeeded and you realize that it’s up to you to train yourself and reading is one of the most effective ways to do that!
So how do we do this? Well we have a couple tips and trick and our number 3 choice is by reading the best books written by entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs!
We decided to ask our team members and our community to nominate their number one books they think every aspiring entrepreneur/business owner should read to help them build & grow their business.

So here are our 6 picks that have been most
useful to prepare each one of us for the entrepreneurial adventure:

Non-Business Book

Entrepreneur Books:

So now you have our top 6 books to read and we ae sure you are asking yourself how the hell am going to find the time to read them?
We are sure if you set your mind to it you will be able to read all the books on this list, but deep down we are sure you are also wondering WHEN will you have time to read all this right? It always seems to be a priority issue before starting a good book, but the answer is simple: you have to “MAKE” the time because you believe it’s worth it!

So, our advice

Schedules a time slot in your day for reading. If you prefer to read in the morning before going to work because your brain is fresh and available why not, Or you may prefer the evening, once comfortably installed in your sofa go ahead and do that though we don’ t really recommend read on public transportation, despite thousands of people doing it it’s actually proven that’s it’s actually hard to find your concentration.

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