, , ,  / August 24,2023

Do you have a passion for writing, creating content around your hobby ?, and even maybe dreaming of starting your own blog but are not sure where to start ? You do not know which platform to choose ? which topics to write about? Let us give you 5 teaser tips from our “Build Your Blog In 3 Hours” workshop…

#1 Pick Your Niche For Your Blog

At this very moment there is more than a million blog full content on the internet but the trick is if you want to stand out you have to build on quality and not quantity. But do not despair all great things take time to be build so start one day at a time and keep in mind that you will not be perfect from the beginning.

Our Advice: Specialize In One Topic. It does not help to write a blog that looks like everyone else. You must specialize in a specific niche and know how to make yourself stand out but that doesn’t mean you can’t talk about any specific subjects such as (fashion, travelling, cooking, about your job etc…..) just make sure you specialize in that niche and you are able to provide valuable content to your community of readers.

#2 Which Plateform To Chosoe

Choose a convenient and intuitive platform that fits your technical skills and that suits you as a beginner: WordPress & Medium: This are the two platforms that are most used by bloggers in today’s day. The advantage of choosing one of these two platforms: Well to find out why don’t you join our workshop and will help you decided which platform would suit you best as a beginner😊

#3 Choosing Your Domain Name For Your BLOG

Once you have chosen the platform you want to start on, the next step is to find your domain name for your blog. Remember make sure you choose the right domain name(without any typos) because once you buy it you can’t give it back or change it, that domain name will be the one will follow you throughout the history of your blog (so double, triple check it before you buy it).

Need Some Inspiration?
We would advise that when choosing a domain name why not pick something that has your name in it, a nickname, an expression related to your passion (Sarah The Cook for a cooking blog for example, Sophies Adventure Around The World for a traveling blog …) Be Short, straight to the point, and remember above all else relay on your originality, a hard-hitting name that your readers will remember easily. And also including your first name allows your readers to better identify with you, if it’s more personal and easier to remember. Also be careful not to unintentionally copy an existing name, and check its availability by typing it into a search engine or on sites like Go Daddy.

#4 Focus on quality, not money:

As a beginner starting out your blog with the intention of making money right away is the worst idea. Adding a strategy to Monetize your blog for the future is a great idea but monetization should not be your primary motivation to create a blog in the beginning. Start out by focusing on the quality and relevance of your content. If they are up to the expectations of your readers, your blog will grow & evolve and you may be able to consider Monetizing it then.

#5 Work On Your SEO and Keywords:

Writing great articles that are loved by your readers and that is relevant is good. But there is something to be aware of: SEO. When you start writing it’s necessary to think about the keywords you are going to use on your contents by optimizing them for referencing. By doing this It will help your blog to appear more easily on Google searches, and its visibility will be increased.

Our Advice: Remember to use the right keywords in relation to your visitors and your specialization, work on your titles and your URLs. SEO is a long and tedious job that may take up to a year or two to achieve, but it ends up paying over time if you do it right.

#6 Develop Your strategy on Social Media

It is impossible to be a blogger today and not use social media to promote your blog. It’s actually a natural referencing via SEO which as we talked about is important, social media is also one (if not “the”) major place to publicize your blog.

Our Advice: Expand your presence on social media, stay updated on new trends, consider creating content specific to each platform (catchy videos for Facebook, beautiful images for Instagram and so on …). and remember just relaying on your content, it is not enough. Your message must be adapted and worked on according to each platform to maximize the audience.
#7Patience Has always Been The Key To Success

We are sure you heard this citation “Rome was not made in a day”. Same goes for your blog too. It is important to give your blog and yourself time to grow, start to grow a real community on social media around your blog and always try to optimize your SEO. Serious work and regular continuously are required to build up a regular and faithful audience around your blog. You must also accept to take time to make your blog bigger and be able to start monetizing it. Don’t expect to have 1 million monthly visitors and 3 million fans on your Facebook page after two months. It’s all about work and patience remember that.SO IN SUMMARY What to remember first:

  1. – quality photos and content,
  2. – quality photos and content,
  3. – an aesthetic blog that makes you want to be browsed,
  4. – a regularity in his publications,
  5. – sharing on its various networks,
  6. – proximity to his community,
  7. – and above all a maximum of passion!

Bonus: If you are interested in talking about your ideas or get advice, SIGN UP HERE

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